STORM TeleECHO Registration and Preliminary Assessment |
Thank you for your interest in participating in STORM TeleECHO. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and the Sickle Treatment and Outcomes Research in the Midwest (STORM) network are sponsors of the STORM TeleECHO, with funding provided by a Health Resources Services and Administration grant.
The purpose of STORM TeleECHO is to provide education and telementoring on the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI) Guidelines for Evidence-Based Management of Sickle Cell Disease for primary care providers and subspecialists taking care of patients with sickle cell disease.
Research is a way to test new ideas and find new ways to improve medical services and overall health. We will use the data from this research project to improve care and outcomes for patients with sickle cell disease. There is no registration fee to participate in STORM TeleECHO and participants will not receive financial compensation.
By completing this registration, you will help us gain a better understanding of who is participating in STORM TeleECHO and how well the program is meeting its objectives of improving care and outcomes for patients with sickle cell disease.
If you decide to participate, you will also be asked to complete a post survey. Surveys will take you about 10 minutes to complete and will ask some basic information about you, your practice, and your care of patients with sickle cell disease. If we discover new things that need to be added to the questionnaire, we will let you know.
Participation in STORM TeleECHO is your choice. Participants may gain knowledge or support related to caring for patients with sickle cell disease. At the end of STORM TeleECHO, we hope that we will know more about how we can educate providers caring for patients with sickle cell disease.
There are no known risks to participation; however, you might feel uncomfortable because you will be asked some questions about your practice. You can choose not to respond to those questions. Please note that this will not affect your continuing medical education in any way.
The information collected about you during this project will be used to describe the STORM TeleECHO process and outcomes. Information about your responses will not be shared with anyone outside of the research team without your permission. Also, any published information will be anonymous.
All of the data we collect will be stored on password protected computers. Your name will not shared with anyone outside of the project. We will use data from the registration form to help us better understand STORM TeleECHO participants. Please note that you do not have to respond to any of the demographic questions on page 3 if you do not want to.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Lisa Shook, STORM PI, at (513) 636-7541 or at You can also call the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Institutional Review Board at (513) 636-8039 with any questions you might have.