STInG and FAS qualitative feedback survey

Thank you for participating in thie survey. Your input is valued and helps us shape the future of STInG, and helps us with our goal to improve the statistical quality of investigator-initiated clinical trials within Australia through enhanced collaboration and networking among trial statisticians.

Question Title

* 1. What is your general satisfaction and overall experience as a member of STInG?

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* 2. How would you rate the value of STInG online tools and resources?

  N/A - I have not used this Not valuable Neither here nor there Somewhat valuable Very valuable
Online resources and documents
STInG chat
DSMB mentoring scheme
DSMB directory
Find a Statistician Directory
Email discussion platform (Gaggle mail)
Annual STInG newsletter
Annual members meeting

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* 3. Which specific resource(s) have you found most beneficial, and why?

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* 4. Has the Find a Statistician directory resulted in one or more collaborations for you?

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* 5. What additional resources or webinar topics would you find beneficial?

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* 6. Would you like to express your interest to join the STInG Executive Committee?

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* 7. Please share any other comments or feedback you have about your experience with STInG. We look forward to your suggestions.