Stiletto Nominations 2025

1.This last year saw a lot of new artists perform drag for their first time. Who was your FAVORITE DEBUT?
2.BREAKTHRU ARTIST goes to someone whose drag in 2024 was transformative and exceptional. Who's your pick?
3.We stan a dancing diva! Which drag artist had the BEST CHOREOGRAPHY?
4.Which Edmonton drag artist is your pick for BEST MAKEUP?
5.Which drag artist had the BEST COSTUMES?
7.It takes a village to raise a baby drag, but who has been the DRAG MENTOR of the year?
8.Lots of shows only happen once, and if you missed out, you missed out. What was your FAVORITE ONE OFF EVENT in 2024?
9.Lots of drag events are part of a series of shows. What's your FAVORITE RECURRING event?
10.Who is the KINDEST drag artist in Edmonton?
11.Who is the FUNNIEST drag artist in Edmonton?
12.Whose drag in 2024 was the MOST IMPROVED?
13.Team work makes the dream work! What DUET OR GROUP PERFORMANCE was your favorite of the year? (Be as specific as you can with who was in it and which song/event)
14.What was your favorite PERFORMANCE OF THE YEAR? (Please give us the drag artist and song)
15.We are nothing without our fan base! Nominate someone for the Knight and David Drag Supporter Award! (Nominee cannot be an active drag performer)
16.Drag shows would be nothing without their audience support, but there's also something to be said for drag artists supporting each other. In a new category this year, we are recognizing Drag Supporter (one artist to another). Which Drag Artist did you see out at every show, no matter who was in the cast?
17.Who should be the 2024 Drag PERFORMER OF THE YEAR?