Substance Use Stigma Perception Survey

The Southcentral Consortium for Opioid Prevention and Education in Oklahoma (SCOPE-OK) seeks to understand community attitudes and beliefs about substance use disorders (SUD).  Stigma regarding SUD, or negative beliefs and/or attitudes about people who experience addiction, is common at both the individual and system levels and can make recovery more difficult.

Please complete the survey below to help us understand stigma in our communities.  The survey is completely annonymous, which means that no one will know what you said.
1.A substance use disorder is a real illness, like diabetes and heart disease
2.Anyone can become addicted to drugs or alcohol.
3.If a person is addicted to drugs or alcohol, they can stop using it if they really want to.
4.Substance use disorders only affect those with low incomes.
5.I would willingly live in the same neighborhood as a person with substance use disorder.
6.I would willingly be close personal friends with a person with substance use disorder.
7.I would willingly work closely with a person with a substance use disorder at my job.
8.I would be emabrrassed to tell people that someone close to me has a substance use disorder.
9.Employers should provide opportunities for a person with a substance use disorder to seek treatment and stay employed.
10.If a person with a substance use disorder wants to go to treatment, their health insurance should be required to cover it in the same way they would cover any other chronic illness.
11.Health care providers should care for someone with a substance use disorder just as they would treat anyone else with a chronic illness.
12.People who are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol should receive treatment instead of being sentenced to jail or prison for drug and/or alcohol- related, non-violent crimes.
13.Individuals with substance use disorder who receive rehabilitation or treatent will just use substances still or overdose again.
14.Medications for opioid use disorder, like methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone, just substitute one drug addiction for another.
15.More healthcare providers should offer medication for opioid use disorder so it is easily accessible to people who want it.
16.I would be willing to have a clinic that provided substance use disorder treatment services in my neighborhood.
17.Abstinence base therapy is the only successful form of treatment for substance use disorder.
18.The opioid overdose reversal medication, naloxone or Narcan, should be administered to every individual who is experiencing an overdose, every time.
19.I would willingly administer naloxone (Narcan) to a stranger in any overdose situation.
20.There should be a limit to how many times an individual can receive nalocone (Narcan) for an overdose.
21.Harm reduction services such as HIV testing, condom distribution, and syringe exchange encourage drug use.
22.I would be willing to live in a neighborhood where a recovery home was located.
23.I would support local availability of the following harm reduction services (please check all that aply)
24.What is your ethnicity?
25.What is your race?
26.What age range are you in?
27.What is your insurance status
28.Are you a person with lived experience with substance use disorder/opioid use disorder? (Examples- person in recovery, impacted family member, currently using drugs, in treatment, etc.)
29.What county do you live and/or work in?
30.Is there anything else about substance use disorders in Oklahoma that you would like to share?