About this survey

Thank you very much for attending the series of three 2-hour workshops from March to June 2024

We would like to know whether you think the sessions achieved the stated aims and also whether you consider the sessions useful to you in your current role.

There are optional comment boxes for you to provide additional feedback. Please be honest, your feedback is anonymous and positive and negative feedback will be greatly valued.

Question Title

* 1. In your opinion, to what extent did we meet the aims of the workshop programme which were:
  1. To help you prevent, respond to and de-escalate challenging situations.
  2. To help you improve your own resilience to challenging situations.
  3. To share good customer experience practice and expertise that currently exists within teams

Question Title

* 2. Each workshop had two main sections. Please rate the usefulness of each of these sections. There is space for you to write additional comments and feedback.

  1/5  Not Useful 2/5 3/5  Useful 4/5 5/5  Very useful
The four parts of Customer Experience model (Workshop 1)
Verbal and non-verbal communications (Workshop 1)
How to manage customers' expectations (Workshop 2)
Transactional Analysis (Workshop 2)
Emotional Intelligence (Workshop 3)
Building Resilience (Workshop 3)

Question Title

* 3. Is there anything that you will do differently (or continue to do) as a result of attending the workshops?

Question Title

* 4. Are there any changes you think we should make to the workshops?

Question Title

* 5. Anything else you want to comment on? This is an anonymous survey but if you have specific questions needing an answer please contact me jon.colman@redvanilla.co.uk

Thank you for completing this evaluation survey. Your answers will help us to continue to develop the workshop programme.  Jon Colman, Facilitator.