6th State of the Plate Research Project. $150+ in eGIFTS & Full Survey Results for All Participants

Your participation in this year's research will allow us to provide unprecedented and valuable insights into personal and church giving practices and trends.

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. PERSONAL QUESTION: What do you think will happen to the economy AND giving to churches in 2016/2017?

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* 3. People's giving at their church is often impacted by their attendance.  It is estimated that many Christians miss 1/3rd or more of the worship services at their local home church for various reasons.  In the past 12 months, what are reasons you missed attending worship services at your church?  (Click all that apply)

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* 4. How many worship services do you estimate you personally attended at your local church in the past 12 months?

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* 5. Research studies indicate most people give 2-3% of their household income to churches, charities, nonprofits, NGO's, and religious organizations. What do you estimate is the % of income you give annually?

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* 6. Over a typical month, how often do you make donations at your church?

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* 7. Beyond giving to your local church, how many other organizations did you donate to in 2015 (ministries, missions, nonprofits, short-term missions trips, school, individuals in need, etc.)?

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* 8. Churches today have a number of ways to encourage faithful and generous giving.  Let us know giving options your church uses/encourages, which you have used, and what you'd like to see in the future. (Click ALL that apply)

  My church does this Not offered by my church, but I think they should do this in the future
Collections are taken during the worship services (plate, bag, bucket, etc.)
Offering box (in the back, front, or lobby)
Annual packet of church giving envelopes provided
Giving envelopes in the pews/seat pockets
Website Online Giving
Bank transfer EFT Autopay Giving
Cell Phone Text Giving
Phone APP Giving
Kiosk/iPad/Tablet Giving
"Quarterly" Giving Statements w/Return Mail-In Envelopes
Legacy/Estate Gifts Encouraged
Gifts in Kind Encouraged (vehicles, property, etc.)
Gifts of Stock Encouraged

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* 9. Do you currently have a legally binding written will or estate plan?

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* 10. If you have a written will or estate plan, does it currently include gifts for the LORD's work at your church and/or other places? 

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* 11. If you have a written will or estate plan that includes donations to church, charitable, or religious organizations, which of the following will receive something from your estate. (If you do NOT have a will or estate plan, go to the next question).

  Church Denomination Ministries School/s Missions Civic Medical Charities & Nonprofits
INCLUDED in your Will/Estate plans

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* 12. If you know, what is the average attendance at your church's weekend worship service/s (adults and children)?

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* 13. What is your involvement at your local church (choose one)?

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* 14. CHURCH QUESTION: If you know, what happened to giving to your church’s general fund in 2015 (or your last fiscal year) compared to 2014? (Note: If you do NOT know, please go Question #15 to complete the survey and get your $150+ in FREE thank you eGIFTS).

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* 15. CHURCH PASTOR OR LEADERS QUESTION: Which of the following do you feel you or  your church could use to help grow givers and giving?  If you don't know, go and complete Question #16 for your free eGifts.

  Really need Would be helpful to have
Proven resources and ideas to increase regular church giving
Best digital giving options available (cell, text, online, etc.)
30 or 40 Day Generosity Bible devotional resources for every family to read
Resources and ideas to encourage Legacy/Wills/Estate giving
Preaching resources for quality sermons on finances/generoisty
Finance/Stewardship Committee Training Helps (Online Videos, eBooks, etc.)
Help with a future Capital campaign (building, renovations, or debt)

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* 16. This is a 100% CONFIDENTIAL SURVEY. Please provide the following information. We will email you a link to the full Executive eReport research results when they are completed.

Thank you for your valuable assistance.   Once you complete this survey and hit SUBMIT, you will immediately be taken to a page where you can scroll down and receive your $150+ in thank you eGifts for yourself and that you can share with your pastors and/or church leaders. 

Feel free to pass this survey and $150+ eGift offer along to other Christians, pastors and church leaders you know.

Gratefully yours,
PASTOR BRIAN KLUTH - State of the Plate Founder & Research Director

Special thanks to our co--sponsors of this year's research: