Thank you for applying to the Startups 100 Index 2025! Please submit your entry using the below form

Are you an innovative, disruptive business launched in the last five years? This is your chance to be counted among the top UK startups.
The Startups 100 ranking will be decided based on the performance of your business to date, strength of concept and execution, as well as your passion and purpose. We also collect other information to allow us to report on exciting trends in the startups landscape.
Before you get started..
Make sure you have access to up-to-date financials and forecasts, as well as information on any co-founders or other stakeholders. This information will be used strictly for judging purposes and helps us to assess the potential of your business on a level playing field with other entrants.
We will never publish or otherwise share any non-public financial details you choose to provide.
First, tell us about your business.

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* 1. What is the name of your business?

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* 2. Please provide your website URL:

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* 3. Please provide a contact email address:

*Your privacy is important to us. We will only use your contact details to ask for any information relating to your Startups 100 entry, such as requests for further information as required, or confirmation of successful placement on our 2024 list.

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* 4. Please provide links to your social media pages:

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* 5. In what year was your business registered with Companies House? Please note, your business must have been registered in 2019 or later to qualify.

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* 6. Could you please provide your Companies House registration number?

Tell us why your business should feature in the Startups 100 Index 2025!

We are looking for impressive business ideas with lots of growth potential - but don’t feel intimidated if you haven’t got big funding figures to advertise or a well-known partner.

More important is your passion and hard work. Most important is your story - don’t undersell yourself or your business.

We’d like to know:

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* 9. What was your lightbulb moment - when did you know you had to start your business?

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* 10. What problem were you trying to solve?

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* 11. What was your biggest challenge when starting the business. How did you overcome it?

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* 12. What are the key clients/investors/partnerships that your business has established?

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* 13. What achievement were you most proud of in the last financial year - what did you have to tell your friends / family about?

Additional information about your business:

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* 14. Please summarise your business in one sentence.

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* 15. Please tell us who your target audience is.

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* 16. What makes you stand out from rivals?

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* 17. Where do you see your business in five years' time?

Now, tell us about you.

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* 18. Name of Founder 1

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* 19. Name of Founder 2

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* 20. Name of Founder 3

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* 21. Name of Founder 4

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* 23. What percentage of the company do the named founders still own?

0 50% 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 24. How many people are there in your business?

Funding & Finance

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* 25. How have you funded your business?

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* 26. How much funding have you raised in GBP so far?
Please format your answer as numbers, and remove the £ sign (eg. £2m should be entered as 2,000,000)

Final steps:

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* 27. Please upload a high-quality, landscape image of the founders.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 28. As well as finding the top 100 startups in the UK, we are also looking to shine a light on progressive and inclusive startups with special awards for Social Impact; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI); and Sustainability.

If you have any credentials or figures relating to these areas, and would like to be entered into these awards, please share them below:

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* 29. Where did you hear about the Startups 100?