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* 1. Please select your age range

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* 2. Please select the following that best describes you (Select all that apply)

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* 3. Do you plan on living in Staples in five years?

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* 4. Do you see any of the following as emergency threats to Staples within the next 5 years (select all that apply)?

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* 5. The future cost of energy will...

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* 6. To reduce your electricity, heating and cooling costs, would you take advantage of low- or no-cost energy efficiency improvements to your business or home, such as installing LED lights or adding insulation?

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* 7. Have you ever received income-qualifying energy efficiency or weatherization services through Community Action?

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* 8. Have you ever received energy efficiency incentives through Staples Water & Light or Minnesota Energy Resources (natural gas)?

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* 9. Would you support Staples Water & Light if it decided to invest in more solar electricity?

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* 10. If it were cash flow positive and offered a reasonable rate of return, would you be willing to invest in (check all that apply):

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* 11. Unwanted household hazardous waste in Staples (e.g. paint thinners, partially used paint, unwanted fertilizer, used motor oil, etc.) (check all that apply): 

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* 12. Community solar refers to local solar facilities shared by multiple community subscribers who receive credit on their electricity bills for their share of the power produced. This model for solar is being rapidly adopted nationwide.

Are you familiar with community solar?

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* 13. My unwanted household hazardous waste:

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* 14. Would you separate your food waste if the city offered a weekly pick-up for a municipal compost site?

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* 15. Do you recycle now?

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* 16. Would you attend a workshop on community or residential solar to learn whether or not it could provide economic or other benefits?

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* 17. Do any commodities that travel through Staples via freight train concern you?

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* 18. Rate your feelings about the following statements

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The City of Staples has quality city parks
It would be nice if the City of Staples had more trees and other greenery around town.
Alternative modes of transportation, such as walking and biking, are important
The City of Staples offers excellent recreational opportunities with lake access, bike trails, etc.
Surface water (Hayden Creek, Hayden Lake, Dower State, Lawrence Lake, and Staples Wildlife Management Areas) in and around Staples is clean, accessible, and enjoyable for City residents and visitors
The City should offer charging infrastructure to encourage the use of electric vehicles
The City of Staples drinking water tastes good
The City of Staples' sidewalks are adequate and safe

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* 19. What do you see as energy and environment related project opportunities in Staples related to any of the six sections in the graphic below?

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* 20. What other comments would you like to include that this survey did not cover? 

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