Do you stand for all or part of your working day/shifts? If so, we want to hear from you!

Researchers from the University of South Australia are trying to work out if foot and leg discomfort is common in people who stand up for work, and what they do, or would be willing to do, about it.

Who do we want to hear from?
Anyone who is 18 years or older, lives in Australia, is in paid employment and spends some percentage of their working day/shift standing. We don't care if you stand a lot or a little, just as long as you stand at some point.

Why only paid employment?
To determine what effect, if any, standing for prolonged periods has on costs or economy associated within the workforce. 

How long will it take?
The survey is estimated to take between 4 - 7 minutes to complete.

What if I start the survey and don't want to finish it?
That's cool. Participation is voluntary, and you are free to withdraw from the study at any point while completing the survey, without affecting your position now or in the future. Once you submit your survey, however, we will be unable to remove your response as it will be impossible to identify your individual data.

What's in it for me?
The benefits will not be instant, but this information will let us know if foot and leg discomfort when standing for (paid) work purposes is common, whether it's a concern to people, and what those who have problems have done about it. This info will be published (without identifying who you are) to allow interested parties (e.g. shoe and orthotic manufacturers etc.,) develop better products based on your feedback. It may also go to interested parties such as large private or government employers to notify them if or how big the issue of foot and leg pain is in industry. And finally, this information will give us an idea on what needs further research. You are able to request a copy of this publication, which will be emailed to you once developed (this can take 12 to 24 months). You can also choose to go into the draw to win $100 Westfield gift voucher (valid in Australia only).

Are there any risks to me?
It is not anticipated that there are any risks to participation in this study beyond those encountered during everyday life.
What will you do with my personal information?
De-identified data will be made available to 3DO, an orthotic company, and may be published. All information will be de-identified prior to release/publication. This survey is designed to be anonymous and the researchers will take every care to remove any identifying material from the responses you provide as early as possible. Participants will not be identified in the reporting of the research and no information which could lead to the identification of any individual will be released, unless as required by law. However, the researcher cannot guarantee the confidentiality or anonymity of material transferred by email or the internet. All data collected as part of this study will be retained and securely stored on UniSA servers for five years following the completion of the project. All survey responses will be non-identifiable and any identifiable contact information you provide will be strictly used for the purposes of entering you into the prize draw and/or to provide you with a summary of results. Your contact information will be entirely separate from your survey responses and this information will not be linked.