Exit this survey Hotel Feedback Template Question Title * 1. Overall, how friendly were the hotel staff members? Extremely friendly Quite friendly Moderately friendly Slightly friendly Not at all friendly Not applicable Question Title * 2. Overall, how polite were the hotel staff members? Extremely polite Quite polite Moderately polite Slightly polite Not at all polite Not applicable Question Title * 3. Overall, how professional were the hotel staff members? Extremely professional Quite professional Moderately professional Slightly professional Not at all professional Not applicable Question Title * 4. How quick was the check-in process? Extremely quick Quite quick Moderately quick Slightly quick Not at all quick Not applicable Question Title * 5. How clean was your room upon arrival? Extremely clean Quite clean Moderately clean Slightly clean Not at all clean Not applicable Question Title * 6. How well did the housekeeping staff clean your room? Extremely well Quite well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all well Not applicable Question Title * 7. Overall, how well-equipped was your room? Extremely well-equipped Quite well-equipped Moderately well-equipped Slightly well-equipped Not at all well-equipped Not applicable Question Title * 8. How helpful was Hotel Guest Services throughout your stay? Extremely helpful Very helpful Moderately helpful Slightly helpful Not at all helpful Not applicable Question Title * 9. How comfortable were your bed linens? Extremely comfortable Very comfortable Moderately comfortable Slightly comfortable Not at all comfortable Not applicable Question Title * 10. Overall, how quickly did the hotel staff respond to your requests? Extremely quickly Quite quickly Moderately quickly Slightly quickly Not at all quickly Not applicable Question Title * 11. How convenient were the hours of the food service options at Silver Slipper? Extremely convenient Quite convenient Moderately convenient Slightly convenient Not at all convenient Not applicable Question Title * 12. How pleased were you with the quality of the food offered at Silver Slipper? Extremely pleased Quite pleased Moderately pleased Slightly pleased Not at all pleased Not applicable Question Title * 13. How affordable was your stay at our hotel? Extremely affordable Very affordable Moderately affordable Slightly affordable Not at all affordable Not applicable Question Title * 14. Overall, were you satisfied with our hotel, dissatisfied with our hotel, or neither satisfied nor dissatisfied? Extremely satisfied Quite satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Quite dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied Question Title * 15. How likely are you to stay at our hotel again? Extremely likely Quite likely Moderately likely Slightly likely Not at all likely Question Title * 16. How likely is it that you would recommend our hotel to a friend or colleague? Extremely likely Quite likely Moderately likely Slightly likely Not at all likely Question Title * 17. Please enter your full name.Also, do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? Done