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Welcome to the
Survey on Staff Recruitment / Retention and New Solutions in Sport and Physical Activity Employment!
We know from previous research that all types of organisations who provide sport and physical activity face real problems when trying to recruit and retain skilled staff, and you need effective and practical solutions to face those realities.

This survey is part of the IN-FORMS project, co-funded by the European Union. The survey is open to all sport and physical activity organisations, for example sport clubs, gyms and fitness centres, outdoor activity centres, sport for all/sport for development organisations, sport federations/governing bodies, municipalities, sport event organisers, sport facility operators etc., in fact any employer in the sport and physical activity sector, even if your organisation is not based in the EU.


The survey does not ask you to write much. Almost all questions are tick-box only.

The survey will take about 10-20 minutes to complete. The results will be extremely helpful in helping us to:
  • Collect hard data so that we understand the recruitment and retention problems better,
  • Get your views on possible solutions which could help your organisation and others in the future.
Telling us about your experiences and opinions will make a positive difference.

By taking part in the survey, we can send you the products of the IN-FORMS project, including practical guidance, as soon as they become ready.

Please remember - when the questionnaire refers to sport we are talking about all types of sport and physical activity.

The survey is about paid staff only - people who receive payment for their work - not volunteers, even if the volunteers are reimbursed.


Your responses to the survey will be treated anonymously in a way that does not identify you. They will only be seen by the project team who will be responsible for the analysis. Data will be processed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you decide to enter your personal data in the final section of the survey (you are not required to), we will keep them only for the purpose of the project and follow up activities around sport employment and will only use them to contact you for a follow-up interview (if you indicate you are willing) or to share with you latest products from the project.

If you need any assistance with completing the questionnaire, please e-mail European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE) who are coordinating this research activity at IN-FORMS@eose.org .

We look forward to receiving your response!

With gratitude,
The Management Team of the IN-FORMS project

IN-FORMS Project Partnership

IN-FORMS Partnership

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.