Where do you shop? What is your favorite neighborhood restaurant? What new businesses would you like to see in your community? Please tell us! Phoenix District 8 Councilwoman, Kesha Hodge Washington, in collaboration with the City of Phoenix Community and Economic Development Department, are conducting a retail survey to learn more about your community’s strengths and assist us in identifying opportunities to attract amenities that are missing in your neighborhood.
We invite you, your friends and neighbors to share your opinions on what you want to see in your South Mountain* community by completing the survey below. We will be sharing the results with you all when they are ready!
*South Mountain Retail Survey Boundary: I-17 - South Mountain Park | 19th Ave - 48th St.

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* 1. In your South Mountain neighborhood, which grocer do you frequent most often? (Select all that apply)

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* 2. Please share the reason for your selection in question 1. (Select all that apply)

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* 3. Which stores or shopping centers do you most often travel to outside of your neighborhood?

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* 4. Please list the intersection(s) for the business(es) listed in answer 3.

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* 5. When dining out near the South Mountain Retail Corridor, what are the top two places you frequent most often?

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* 6. What are your top two favorite restaurants to visit outside of your neighborhood?

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* 7. Please list the intersections for the restaurants listed in answer 6.

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* 8. Please list all retail stores or businesses which offer shopping, recreation, entertainment or services that you, or members of your household, would support if they opened in your neighborhood.

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* 9. Please select your zip code.

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* 10. Which category best describes your annual household income?

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* 11. Do you have children under 18 living at home?

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* 12. Please select your age range.