Sodus Township Community Survey

1.We Want Your Input!

Sodus Township is reviewing and updating the Master Plan. The Township is also developing a recreation plan. The Master Plan describes the social and physical characteristics of the Township. It also contains a map showing future land uses such as residential, commercial and agricultural. The plan will be a resource for the Township to review new development proposals and to guide future growth. The recreation plan will include recommendations for future recreational amenities in the Township.

Your feedback will help us to develop these plans. Sodus Township officials hope that you will take a few minutes and fill out this survey.
About You
1.What is your age range?
2.Please indicate your race (you may select more than one).
3.Which best describes your relation to Sodus Township?
4.If you are not a full-time or seasonal resident of Sodus Township, which village/city/township do you live in?
5.How many years have you lived in Sodus Township?
6.Which of the following best describes your living situation?
7.I am...
Township Questions
8.Why do you feel Sodus Township is a desirable place to live. Select all that apply.
9.Please indicate your level agreement with the following statements.
Strongly Disagree
No Opinion
Strongly Agree
The Township has adequate police protection.
The Township has adequate fire protection.
In the past, Planning and Zoning in the Township has been effective in controlling development.
I am concerned about how future growth and development can affect the Township.
Preservation of natural features, including wetlands and forested areas, is important.
Protection of farmland (active agricultural production land) in the Township is important.
Additional commercial & industrial development in the Township should be encouraged.
Building of additional new homes in the Township should be encouraged.
There is adequate opportunity for families who seek to move into the Township to find housing.
More affordable housing should be available to families wishing to move into the Township.
Homes on large lots are needed to preserve open space.
The Township should encourage "subdivisions" rather than individual "lot-split" home sites.
The Township should encourage "cluster open space subdivisions" to protect open space.
I support the Township maintaining open space and preserving farmland.
The Township should develop standards to protect open space (wetlands & woodlands).
The Township should set aside funds for open space and farmland preservation.
The Township should consider increasing recreational opportunities available for residents.
The Township should plan for commercial land use at the Tabor Road US-31 interchange.
The Township should plan for industrial land use at the Tabor Road US-31 interchange.
The Township should plan for commercial land use at the Sodus Parkway/Pipestone Road US -31 interchange.
The Township should plan for industrial land use at the Sodus Parkway/Pipestone Road US -31 interchange.
The Township should carefully control the amount and location of new development.
Growth and development are acceptable as long as natural areas and farmland are protected.
Growth and development are acceptable as long as the rural character is protected.
Water and/or sewer is necessary in part of the Township to support new development.
Homes on lots which are too large are a waste of land.
Allowing too many small lots will cause the Township to lose its rural character.
Growth should be encouraged in the Township, with some restrictions.
Growth should be allowed in the Township with as few restrictions as possible.
I am satisfied with how growth is occurring in the Township.
Growth is inevitable and the Township has little control over it.
The Township (if they have authority) should allow large-scale wind and solar operations.
The Township (if they have authority) should restrict the placement of large-scale wind and solar operations on productive farmland.
The Township should require short-term rental owners to register with the Township.
The Township should place restrictions on short term rentals.
The Township should allow marijuana dispensaries in the Township.
Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries
10.What would you like to see happen at the Deerhead Riverfront Park (located along River Road on the St. Joseph River between Tabor Road and Hartman Road)? Select all that apply.
11.What additions would you want at the Sodus Township Park located near the Fire Station? Select all that apply.
12.Please select which recreational opportunities you would like to see offered in the Township. Select all that apply.
13.If you or someone in your household has a disability, what park improvements or amenities would you like to see? Select all that apply.
14.What improvements would you like to see at Mount Pleasant Cemetery (corner of Hillandale and S. Pipestone)? Select all that apply.
15.What improvements would you like to see at the Bethel Cemetery (S. Pipestone near River Road) and Lett Cemetery (Lett Road)? Select all that apply.
16.Please add any additional comments.