Snohomish County Sheriff's Office Community Survey

1.What city do you live in?
2.Do you live within city limits or in unincorporated Snohomish County?
3.What is your zip code?
4.What age group do you fall under?
5.Which of the following best describes you?
6.How do you identify regarding gender?
7.Do you speak any other languages besides English? If so, please list below:
8.What is your highest level of education?
9.How would you rate race relations between the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office and the community?
10.Please rate the top five (5) occurrences/situations that you believe occur within your area:
11.Over the past 12 months, how do you think crime has changed in your community?
12.Over the past 12 months, have you limited or changed your activities because you were worried about crime?
13.Do you feel that crime is such a problem in Snohomish County that you have considered moving elsewhere?
14.Do you believe that law enforcement keeps communities safe?
15.Do you believe that the Sheriff's Office has contributed to making your community safe?
16.Do you feel that law enforcement (in general) can be trusted?
17.Do you believe that the Sheriff's Office can be trusted?
18.Have you ever felt like you had to be careful, or were you ever told to be careful when dealing with the police?
19.Do you think that law enforcement (in general) treats minorities (i.e., members of the LGBTQ community, women, various ethnic/racial groups, mentally disabled, physically disabled, etc.)  more harshly, less harshly, or just as they do anyone else?
20.Yes or no: I have called the police in the past year.
21.Regarding Sheriff's Office deputies’ duties and your experiences with Sheriff's Office personnel, please indicate the extent to which you agree, disagree, or are unsure/have no experience with with the following:
Unsure/Haven't experienced 
Provide the same quality of service to all people
Clearly explain the reasons for their actions
Treat people in a respectful manner
Are honest 
Are competent
Are fair and neutral
Consider the views of the people involved before making their decisions 
Can be trusted to do what is right
Provide you a sense of confidence in Sheriff's Office deputies
Act within the law
Are effective in preventing to violent crimes in your community
Are effective in responding to violent crimes in your community
Use racial slurs
Speak with homophobic language
Use language offensive to women/children/other individuals on the gender continuum
Engage in racial profiling
Engage in observed, reasonable, and necessary uses of force
22.Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Sheriff's Office is handling its job?
23.Agree or Disagree: The Sheriff's Office does a good job of reporting back to the community about its findings on investigations of possible police misconduct.
24.Agree or Disagree: Being the victim of police brutality is something you personally worry about
25.Agree or Disagree: The Sheriff's Office has enough officers to meet the county’s needs
26.Agree of Disagree: The cultural make-up of SCSO is representative of the community it serves
27.Agree or Disagree: The Sheriff's Office is responsible with taxpayer money and allocates its resources well
28.In your experience, does SCSO (check all that apply):
29.During a typical week, how many days do you watch local news on TV, not including sports?
30.During a typical week, how many days do you read the local news in a printed newspaper, not including sports?
31.During a typical week, how many days do you watch, read, or listen to local news on the Internet, not including sports?
32.When it comes to social media, do you or would you follow the Sheriff's Office on these platforms? (Check all that apply) 
33.Regarding engagement with the Sheriff's Office, which would you be willing to participate in? Please check all that apply.
34.How did you hear about this survey?
Current Progress,
0 of 34 answered