Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Employee ID (must be an 8-digit number):

Question Title

* 3. Email address:

Question Title

* 4. Do you understand the requirements presented in the Smart Commute Rewards training video and agree to the following terms?

In instances when an employee takes and logs a sustainable commute, he or she agrees to not drive, park, or leave parked, any motorized vehicle within a one-mile radius of employee’s work site during employee's scheduled work hours while participating for any commuter reward or prize, except when the employee lives within one mile of their work location and leaves their car parked at home or is the driver of a carpool or vanpool. Violations include, but are not limited to, parking at any City facility, City-used parking garage, or surrounding streets in instances when a sustainable commute was tracked and logged, except drivers of a carpool or vanpool. Failure to comply while registered and accepting a reward or prize will be considered a violation of this policy. Violations may result in immediate termination of the employee’s participation in the program, together with a forfeiture of any accrued but unused rewards or prizes, including administrative leave time, earned under this program. Employees violating this policy may also be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including discharge, under any applicable Municipal Civil Service Rules (e.g. including but not limited to Rule 6.02 B (2), Theft, Rule 6.02 B (3), Dishonesty, or Rule 6.02).

You must answer "yes" below in order to be eligible for Administrative Leave (ADL) under Smart Commute Rewards. If you have unresolved questions and need clarification before confirming your Smart Commute Rewards training, please visit, email or call 512-974-1150.