Maintain existing uses and services, including private residential development and public facilities such as roads, utilities, parks and campgrounds.
Plan for new or relocated uses and services, including private residential development and public facilities such as roads, utilities, parks and campgrounds.
Conserve beaches and habitat for public use and threatened or endangered species.
Preserve assets that support the economy such as agricultural land, businesses, and coordinate with Point Mugu and Port Hueneme to conserve their job-rich assets.
Restore the natural coastline and enhance processes that deliver sand to beaches.
Coordinate adaptation planning efforts with stakeholder groups that have interests in the coast, including but not limited to homeowner's associations, landowners, realtors, recreationalists, Native American tribal organizations, community-based organizations, and sensitive populations.
Develop case studies and pilot projects to test adaptation efforts. Examples could include sand dune restoration, structures designed to accommodate flooding, tide gates in harbors and ports, experimental coastal groins, seawall, or revetment design, and potentially even aquiculture and offshore reefs.
Work with local cities and neighboring Counties on regional approaches to adaptation.
Conduct further studies and gather more data before adopting new regulations.