Skipton Town Hall Feedback Survey

Your feedback is invaluable to us!

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.

Your feedback helps us improve our visitor experience, secure funding for the important work we do, and keep entry to Craven Museum free.

This is anonymous and you cannot be identified by the info we ask for.

If there are any questions you prefer not to answer just skip them.
About your visit...
1.What did you do on your visit today?
2.Name of event or performance (if applicable).
3.How did you find out about our venue or the event you attended?
4.How did you get here?
5.When did you last visit us?
6.Who did you attend with?
About your experience...
7.How was your overall experience today?
Very Good
8.Was your visit good value for money?
Very Good
9.What did you enjoy about your visit?
10.Was your visit accessible?
Not accessible for me
Adequately accessible for me
Good access provision for me
Very accessible for me
11.If your experience was not as accessible as you required, were the team responsive to your needs when raised?
12.How would you rate the following...
Very Low
Very High
Your overall sense of wellbeing before your visit?
Your overall sense of wellbeing after your visit?
13.How would you describe any impact of your visit on your overall wellbeing, including any changes in stress levels, engagement, emotional fulfillment, meaningful interactions, and sense of connection?
14.How could we improve your experience during future visits?
15.What kind of events would you like to see at Skipton Town Hall?
About you...
We ask these questions so we can make sure our work is having positive impacts for everyone in society.
16.Do you live in the UK?
17.If Yes: What is the first part of your postcode?
20.What is your age?
21.What is the age/school year of any children or young people you have attended with?
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
22.Do you have any access needs?