Category Awareness Survey

1.How familiar are you with Shiloh's Worship opportunities?(Required.)
2.Which Sunday worship experience do you USUALLY attend?
3.How often do you attend Sunday school?
4.How often do you attend Mid-Week Bible Study (Noon or 6:30 p.m.)?
5.Please identify all of the Ministry Opportunities that Shiloh offers with which you are familiar (please check all that apply).
6.With regard to overall quality, I rate the worship experience as...
7.With regard to my spiritual development, I rate the Christian education offerings as...
8.With regard to service opportunities, I rate Shiloh's Ministries as...
9.I would like the Pastor's Sermons/Bible Studies to focus more on...
10.I am...
11.I have been a member of Shiloh for...
12.Which statement most accurately reflects your feelings about Shiloh's Mission?
13.Which statement most accurately reflects your feelings about Shiloh's direction?