Service for Montana

The Governor’s Office of Community Service, ServeMontana, improves lives and landscapes across the Big Sky State through community volunteerism and AmeriCorps national service. Every three years, ServeMontana conducts an anonymous Community Needs Assessment to identify the most pressing needs of Montana’s communities. Your response to this survey helps craft the 2025-2027 State Service Plan, which guides the path of service in our state for the next three years. Learn more at

Select one to three options within each focus area to indicate the greatest needs from your perspective. Some options appear under multiple focus areas – for example, “navigating disability-related programs and services” is an option under both Healthy Futures and Economic Opportunity. There is a set of optional questions at the end. The survey will take approximately twelve minutes.

This survey is compatible with several screen readers. There are no non-text elements. See SurveyMonkey’s accessibility page for more information. Please contact us at or (406) 444-9077 if you need any help or would like a printed copy.

Thank you for being a voice for your community.

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* 1. ZIP Code
Montana is a large and diverse state. Sharing your ZIP code enables us to identify which communities face which issues. Your ZIP code will not be used to identify you.

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* 2. Focus Area: Economic Opportunity
Lifting up individuals, families, and communities

What are the top one to three pressing needs that AmeriCorps members could address through service?

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* 3. Focus Area: American Indian Affairs
Service with and for Montana Tribal Nations

What are the top one to three pressing needs that AmeriCorps members could address through service?

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* 4. Focus Area: Education
K-12, trade and vocational education, college, adult education

What are the top one to three pressing needs that AmeriCorps members could address through service?

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* 5. Focus Area: Healthy Futures
Positive health outcomes to last generations

What are the top one to three pressing needs that AmeriCorps members could address through service?

Question Title

* 6. Focus Area: Veterans & Military Families
Serving those who serve us

What are the top one to three pressing needs that AmeriCorps members could address through service?

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* 7. Focus Area: Montanans Age 55+
Caring for legacy Montanans

What are the top one to three pressing needs that AmeriCorps members could address through service?

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* 8. Focus Area: Lands & Natural Resources
Protecting and utilizing our greatest resource

What are the top one to three pressing needs that AmeriCorps members could address through service?

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* 9. Focus Area: Disaster Services
Disaster preparedness, response, and recovery

What are the top one to three pressing needs that AmeriCorps members could address through service?

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* 10. Focus Area: Other

Please identify up to three other pressing needs that AmeriCorps members could address through service, which were not presented above (optional).

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* 11. What is the biggest strength of AmeriCorps in your community?

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* 12. What is the biggest challenge for AmeriCorps in your community?

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* 13. Would you like to receive the ServeMontana monthly newsletter? If yes, please enter your email address. Your email will not be associated with your survey responses.

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* 14. Do you want to answer additional questions? Thank you for your time and input. The next section includes demographic information and questions about your understanding of and participation in service. To anonymously complete the next section, click “Continue.” Otherwise, click “Done.” Whichever you choose, click the green "Next" button.