Sender Feedback for vExchange / Analytics

Only give feedback where you want to! Suggestions and questions welcome!

1.What functionality would you like to see built into a Universal Gate compared to how Gates behave today?
2.Do you have a business problem that you hope a vExchange Gate could solve? If so, what is it?
3.Do you have any questions about Gates that would help you understand whether you could use them?
4.How do you use vExchange Analytics today? What additional insights would be useful to you in your business?
5.What would you like to learn more about in vExchange and vExchange Analytics?
6.What is your preferred method of learning?
7.Would you like to meet with the product owners to learn more about Gates and/or Analytics?(Required.)
8.Would you like to be contacted by email if we need to clarify your feedback?(Required.)
9.Your Full Name(Required.)
10.Your Role(Required.)
11.Your Firm's Name(Required.)
12.Your Email(Required.)