State Plan on Aging Survey


Dear South Dakota Survey Participant,

This survey was developed to better understand older individuals and their future needs as they age in South Dakota. Your answers to this survey will help guide the development of the 2021 – 2025 SD State Plan on Aging, and increase the understanding of how best to serve, support, and celebrate older adults across our great state.

We invite you to complete the South Dakota State Plan on Aging Survey. We also invite you to encourage your friends and neighbors to complete the survey for themselves. Survey responses will be collected from participants across the state until December 31, 2020.   

Thank you for your time and contribution.   We value your opinion and greatly appreciate your participation in the South Dakota State Plan on Aging Survey!


The SD Division of Long Term Services and Supports
1.What is your current employment status?
2.Who lives in your household? Check all that apply.
3.Thinking about your future needs, how would you rate your community as a place to live for people as they age?
4.What would make healthy aging in South Dakota better or easier for you?
5.Do you visit your local Senior Center?
6.What community activities do you participate in? Check all that apply.
7.Do you provide unpaid caregiving support weekly for any of the below individuals? Check all that apply.
8.If you answered “yes” to the above caregiving question, what are your top needs as a caregiver? Check all that apply
9.Please rate the importance of the following concerns based on how much you think they affect you, as you age in the community.
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
Not Sure/Does Not Apply
Access to healthcare
Financial security
Maintaining physical health
Fuel Costs
Having enough food to eat
Respite care
Support for caregivers
Safety during emergencies such as power outages, snowstorms, or floods
Affordable and accessible housing
Assisted living facilities
Memory loss
Access to information about long term support services
Availability of in-home, long-term support services
Quality long term care options
10.Please rate the need for the following services in your community.
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
Not Sure/Doesn't Apply
In-home health services (personal care such as medication management or bathing)
Help with household chores (grocery shopping, cooking, changing light bulbs, minor repairs, or cleaning)
Yard work, trash removal, or snow shoveling
Food assistance (Senior Congregate Meals, Meals on Wheals, Commodity Supplemental Food and/or Food Pantry)
Senior Centers
Information and referral services such as Dakota at Home
Home Modification Support
Transportation (Transit Services)
Adult Day Program
Oral health services
Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening Program
Help in dealing with vision or hearing loss
Financial Assistance
Legal Assistance
Affordable housing
Shopping Assistance
Veterans Benefits
Social Activities
11.If you were not able to access one or more of the needed services listed above, why not? Check all that apply

12.How do you get information about community services? Check all that apply.
13.Are you aware of Dakota at Home?
14.Have you ever contacted Dakota at Home? Check all that apply.
15.Do you participate in any food programs? Check all that apply.
16.If you do not participate in a food program, what are the reasons why? Check all that apply.
17.In the past 12 months, have you had to skip paying for a basic need (food, medication, heat, or housing) because of financial concerns? Check all that apply.
18.As you look into the future, please rate the importance of the concerns listed below.
Very Concerned
Somewhat Concerned
Not Concerned
Not Sure/Doesn't Apply
Feeling safe in my own home
Feeling safe in my community
Having safe walkways and roads
Having Senior Centers within my community
Retrofitting my home so essential rooms are accessible
Having medical services nearby
Having family nearby
Affordable health insurance
Public transportation
Easy and affordable access to public transportation (buses, cabs, Uber, Lyft)
Having recreation and social engagement
Affordable housing
Finding an assisted living facility or nursing home
Finding someone to help me in my home
Financial security
19.Please rate the concerns for your safety listed below.
Very Concerned
Somewhat Concerned
Not Concerned
Not Sure/Doesn't Apply
I worry about the safety of my neighborhood
I fear some members of my family or other people I know
I fear my health is failing/declining
I worry about the structure and safety of my home
I fear that someone will take advantage of me (i.e. phone scam, take my money or possessions)
I fear for my physical safety
I am afraid of falling
20.What abilities, skills, talents, gifts, or contributions could you share to help other people in your community?
21.What is your age?
22.What is your zip code?
23.Are you Hispanic or Latino?
24.What is your race? Check all that apply.
25.Please check all that apply to you.
26.What is your annual household income? 
27.Is there anything not covered in this survey that you would like the Division of Long Term Services and Supports to understand about aging in South Dakota?