Background on the 2020 Global Accountability Survey:
This survey is intended to collect reflections and inputs from any interested stakeholder working to advance the implementation and accountability of the 2030 Agenda. The inputs into this survey will feed into a first-of-its-kind "Global SDG Accountability Report", which will provide insights and recommendations for advancing accountability for the 2030 Agenda through the Decade of Accountability for the SDGs.

Deadline for Inputs into this Survey: 31 July 2020

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda) is envisioned to be a plan of action for people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership — one that will free humanity from the tyranny of poverty and want and heal and secure the planet for future generations. While significant efforts have been made at all levels to realize the vision of the 2030 Agenda, overall the global community is behind schedule on achieving the ambitious targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The 2030 Agenda recognizes governments' “accountability to our citizens” in relation to the systematic follow-up and review of the implementation of the Agenda. Despite this, accountability - both at the national and global level - has been severely lacking during the first 5 years of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Recognizing that true accountability is a shared endeavor, this Campaign for a “Decade of Accountability” will seek to mobilize development stakeholders to deliver on efforts to help foster more robust accountability for the SDGs and related commitments by governments and other stakeholders in this critical decade ahead towards 2030. 

Find out more about the Campaign for a Decade of Accountability for the SDGs at

About the Campaign for a Decade of Accountability for the SDGs:
The campaign will bolster concerted action and amplify efforts to hold duty bearers to account for their commitments to sustainable development in a coordinated manner. To do this, the campaign will look engage a wide range of stakeholder communities – all of whom serve as a critical piece of the accountability puzzle for the SDGs.

The Campaign is driven by a "Core Group" of broad civil society networks working on the SDGs, including:
- The Transparency, Accountability & Participation (TAP) Network
- Forus
- Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP)
- Together 2030

The Campaign is also supported by a dedicated "Advisory Group" of organizations and networks that work closely to advance SDG accountability with various stakeholder groups, including:
- Action Aid (Civil Society)
- AfroLeadership (Civil Society)
- CIVICUS (Civil Society)
- Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) (National Human Rights Institutions)
- Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) (Media)
- Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) (Academia)
- UN Global Compact (Private Sector)
- UN SDG Action Campaign
- VSO International (Civil Society)
- WINGS Network/SDG Philanthropy Platform (Philanthropy)
- World Vision (Civil Society)

Consent and Data Usage Disclaimer: 
All of the information provided through this survey will be kept entirely confidential. Any analysis of the inputs from this survey will be anonymized, and none of the inputs received will be associate