Information on interested participant

Question Title

* 1. Email address

Question Title

* 2. Full name

Question Title

* 3. Organization
(e.g. European Schoolnet, European Commission, University X, School Y, Company Z...)

Question Title

* 5. Please select the role that best describes you

Question Title

* 6. Terms and conditions

  No Yes
I understand that to process my application, collection and storage of personal data (name, surname, email address) is necessary. Access to this information is strictly limited to European Schoolnet and will only be used for this specific purpose. European Schoolet will have access to account information provided by the user and can modify and/or delete information upon request
I understand Scientix will NOT organize or cover my flight.
I would like Scientix to organize and cover my hotel from Friday to Sunday, if selected.
I understand that Scientix will organize and pay for meals from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch, if selected.
I understand the list of participants will be published online (only name, surname and country).
I understand that during the event, pictures and video, where I will possibly be clearly identifiable, will be taken. This material will be used for dissemination purposes (i.e. press, brochures, web portal).
I understand I will be informed if I have been selected to participate in the 3rd Scientix conference between the 9 and 11 of April 2018
I understand European Schoolnet / Scientix will be responsible of selecting the participants and will not enter into any discussion on the results.

Question Title

* 7. Have you participated in a previous Scientix event?

Question Title

* 8. Why would you like to participate?

Question Title
