SCS Facilities Survey For Educators

SCS is developing a first-time-ever comprehensive facilities plan to present to the community and the Shelby County Commission. This survey is intended to gather critical input about school facilities from educators in Memphis and Shelby County. Your participation is valuable and we appreciate you taking the time to answer the following questions. All responses will be kept anonymous.

1.Name (Optional)
2.Phone Number (Optional)
3.Email (Optional)
4.Address (Optional)
5.Zip Code (Optional)
6.Preferred form of contact (Optional)
7.What school do you work in?
8.How would you rate the school buildings in Shelby County generally?
9.How important is the condition of your school's facilities (e.g., classrooms and equipment) to your overall performance as a teacher?
10.How satisfied are you with the condition of your school’s facilities?
11.Do you believe that better school facilities would help your students’ academic performance or learning opportunities?  (Select  One)
12.Do you believe that the District invests in schools in all neighborhoods equally? (Select One)
13.Please rate the current facilities in your school. (Please select one)

  • Poor (needs substantial improvement or unfit for students and educators)
  • Needs improvement
  • Good or Excellent (Healthy and safe environment that supports learning/teaching for students, educators, and staff)
  • Don't Know
Needs Improvement 
Good or Excellent 
Don't Know 
Heating/Air Conditioning
Access to Hot Water
Access to ESL (English Second Language) Materials and Technology
Playground/Athletic field & facilities/ equipment, landscaping, and outside grounds
Restrooms (ADA Compliant, adequate privacy, cleanliness)
Accessible/ADA Compliant ? (Working elevators, ramps, restrooms, etc)
Overall Health & Safety
14.In the last five years, have you ever taught classes in spaces that were not designed as classrooms?
15.How clean and well maintained are the restrooms that you and your colleagues have access to? 
16.How adequate are the lunchroom facilities that you and your colleagues have access to?     
17.Do you have access to technology (e.g., computers, etc.) in your school to do your work?
18.If you answered yes, how adequate/up to date is your school’s technology?
19.Generally, how comfortable is the temperature in your classroom(s) generally?
20.Is your Teachers' Lounge equipped to address the social and emotional needs of educators?
21.In what ways could your Teachers Lounge be improved?
22.In the last year, about how many days of instructional time did you lose because of problems with the school facilities?
23.Have poor facility conditions ever made you think about changing schools?
24.Does the quality of school facilities impact your decision to continue teaching?
25.Would you support a tax or fee increase to pay for new and improved school facilities?
26.What do you think needs to be addressed most when it comes to school facilities?
27.How long have you been a teacher?
28.How long have you taught in your current school?
29.What is your ethnic/racial background?
30.What is your gender identity? 
31.What is your age?
32.How often would you say that you vote?
33.Do you have any additional comments about your school? Please write them in the textbox below. 
Current Progress,
0 of 33 answered