Thank you for taking the time to contribute the science outputs data from your lab. We understand that each SWIPI implements the lab in his/her own way and may not use the same tester strains, perform extractions, or determine chemical structures. Please skip any sections that are not pertinent to your lab. 

Question Title

* 1. Class Information

Question Title

* 2. General Metrics: Isolates

Question Title

* 3. Spectrum of Activity – # of isolates with activity against each strain/# of isolates tested against each strain (For example, if you test 10 isolates for activity against a particular strain and 2 show activity, you should enter 2/10.) Please note that "+" indicates the strain is Gram-positive strain and "-" indicates the strain is Gram-negative. This information is provided to help with subsequent questions.

Question Title

* 4. Gram-Negative & Gram-Positive Activity

Question Title

* 5. # of isolates with positive activity against "n" tester strains (For example, if you test 2 isolates against 1 tester strain and they both have positive activity against both strains, you would enter 2 in the first box.)

Question Title

* 6. Sequencing

Question Title

* 7. Extracts

Question Title

* 8. Chemical Structure

Question Title

* 9. Additional Assay Summaries from Your Class (Two examples are included below.)