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The IPU Working Group on Science and Technology is drafting a comparative paper on how parliaments facilitate and organise engagement by Members of Parliament with the scientific community. They are interested in engagements associated with legislation and policy matters.
This is a mapping exercise for parliamentary administrators or staff only. We would be very grateful if you could respond to the following question by outlining all channels of engagement between your parliament and the scientific community.
For reference, please see the sample response from the Irish Parliament under each question.
Does your parliament facilitate and organise engagement between Members of Parliament and the scientific community on legislative and other matters by providing:
1. Specific science-based research services within parliament?
Sample response from Ireland:
1.     Specific science-based research services within parliament NO

Question Title

* 1. Your answer

2.   Formal arrangements between parliament and external scientific research institutions 
Sample response from Ireland:
2. Formal arrangements between parliament and external scientific research institutions NO

Question Title

* 2. Your answer

3. General parliamentary research services
Sample response from Ireland:
3.   General parliamentary research services YES

·       The Oireachtas Parliamentary Research Service (PRS) is staffed by senior researchers who provide a legislative analysis service, commissioned research briefings for members and committees as well as topical briefings. Currently the staff is comprised primarily of legal researchers (7), social scientists (7) and economists (4), there is also a dedicated Environmental and Agricultural Science Team of 3 people.
·       As part of the PRS academic engagement strategy 2019-2021 six researchers were seconded to the Houses of the Oireachtas Library & Research Service as part of the SFI (Science Foundation Ireland) public service fellowship programme. The researchers had papers published and they presented their research to members and staff within parliament. Working within parliament they had the opportunity to learn new ways to bring their research to the attention of members of parliament.
A new academic engagement strategy is currently being developed.

Question Title

* 3. Your answer

4. Parliamentary Committees' consultation processes and expert witnesses
Sample response from Ireland:
4. Parliamentary Committee consultation processes and expert witnesses YES

· Committees invite expert witnesses to attend and inform proceedings on legislation and policy matters.
· Committees also use public consultations to get input from interested individuals and organisations in relation to any matter on their work programmes.

Question Title

* 4. Your answer

5. Parliamentary groups or caucuses
Sample response from Ireland:
5.     Parliamentary groups or caucuses YES

The Oireachtas Friends of Science and Technology is a cross-party group of TDs and Senators who aim to help the Houses of the Oireachtas engage with scientific research. 
The Oireachtas Friends of Science & Technology Friendship Group was established with the goal of providing a long-term liaison between the Oireachtas, Scientific & Engineering Bodies, Science & Engineering based Industry, the Academic World and those affected by science and engineering; and to provide Members of both Houses of the Oireachtas through meetings and other activities with authoritative scientific information from time to time in connection with Oireachtas business. It meets four to six times per year with recognised academic researcher(s) presenting on a topic of interest to Members.

Question Title

* 5. Your answer

6.   Other ad hoc arrangements
Sample response from Ireland:
6.     Other ad hoc arrangements YES
Individual members of the Oireachtas can and do organise briefings for members and staff.

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* 6. Your answer

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* 7. Please enter the country where the Parliament you work in is based.