School of Deep Cuts with Amber Horsburg

As part of the Experts in Residence program, the Victorian Music Development Office have teamed up with music strategist Amber Horsburgh to offer 10 x Victorian emerging artist managers/self-managed artists the opportunity to participate in the School of Deep Cuts online marketing course.

The School of Deep Cuts’ is a release planning 101 program.  For 12 months, members will learn the fundamentals of Music Marketing through self-paced, self-guided lectures.  Every two weeks, members participate in group coaching calls led by global industry leaders to get direct feedback on their projects and to build their network.  At the end of the program, members will have built a marketing system tailored to their audience, artistic preferences and resources as an Artist.

The course is built off the 10+ year career of Amber Horsburgh, former SVP Strategy at New York City’s Downtown Records.  Horsburgh recognized that there was a need for more knowledge sharing (by executives at the top) to independent Artists and assisting them to quickly build their careers by themselves. The program empowers them to use guiding principles and resources that Horsburgh developed, whilst working with global Music brands to reach bigger audiences. 

Upon launching the first intake of members in October 2020, more than 300 people signed up across the globe.  It was supported by VMDO (Victorian Music Development Office), AIR (Australian Independent Record Labels Association), and AAM (Association of Artist Managers).

Program includes:
·  12-month access to on-demand course content including video lessons, essential release day templates and checklists
·  Access to private Discord group to discuss release strategies, tools and marketing tactics
·  Bi-weekly group coaching calls to keep your project on track 

Course modules:
·  Planning: develop a solid release strategy that builds your career 
·  Social Media & Content Strategy: create insatiable content to get new fans to stop scrolling and click on your profile
·  Digital Advertising: reach bigger numbers than ever through Ads 
·  Data: Use Data to better inform marketing decisions, which reduces wastage and time spent on the wrong initiatives
·  Budgeting: build a functional & actional marketing budget
This program is best suited to emerging managers or self managed artists who are responsible for release strategies and audience development. As a participant, you’ll be joining a cohort of music industry professionals from around the globe to learn about what marketing strategies translate when it comes to finding worldwide fans, wherever they are. Please note these funded spots (valued at $USD 997 per person) are for participants who are planning an upcoming release, within the next 12 months. 

Applications close at 5.00pm on Friday 4th June. Successful applicants will be notified on Monday 7th June and emailed an access code, to begin the program immediately. 

Demographics & Identity questions: For more information about our demographics and identity questions in the registration process, please head to:
For any queries, please contact

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* 1. Please enter your contact information

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* 2. How would you describe your identity? Check any that apply

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* 3. What is your gender identity?

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* 4. Please submit a brief professional bio (under 100 words).

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* 5. This opportunity is best suited to Victorian emerging artist managers or self-managed artists who are planning an upcoming release, within the next 12 months. Please outline briefly (under 100 words) how this applies to you.

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* 6. Please list the top three business outcomes you're looking to achieve by taking part in the School of Deep Cuts online program.

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* 7. If I am accepted into School of Deep Cuts, I agree to the following: 
• I will complete the School of Deep Cuts online program in full (noting access is limited to a 12 month period). 
• I will complete a 20-minute survey for the VMDO after a 3 month period, reflecting on outcomes achieved so far.