Question Title

* 1. Please leave us your contact information.

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* 2. Please leave pipeline program information:

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* 3. The program entered above aims to target which education level (select all that apply):

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* 4. Please leave us some financial information about the pipeline program for participants (please select all that apply).

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* 5. Are there any formal partners or sponsor for the program, if so please explain.

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* 6. Indicate the services your program aims to provide (select all that apply).

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* 7. Indicate the scope of who can participate (please check all that apply):

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* 8. What is the time frame of the program:

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* 9. How do you track program success (please check all that apply).

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* 10. Is there anything the State Bar could do in supporting/assisting this program or programs like it?

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* 11. If you know of other pipeline programs and want to share this survey please use the following link: If you want to share another program (that you are not responsible for) with us leave us a bit of info below.