Post Training Evaluation

Please take a few moments to evaluation this training.  Your input will help inform future sessions. 
Once you complete the post-training evaluation and click FINISHED and you will be redirected to a webpage to print or save your continuing education certificate.
If you have difficulties completing this survey, contact Amy Wales at


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* 1. Personal Information

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* 3. Please choose your role:

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* 4. Do you attest that you have completed ALL required sessions of this learning series?

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* 5. After attending this learning series, please indicate your confidence in utilizing SBIRT screening tools to assist with managing patients with AUD or SUD.

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* 6. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate this learning series overall? (Scale: 1=very dissatifed & 5=very satisfied)

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* 7. What did you like most about this learning series?

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* 8. What did you like least about this learning series?

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* 9. Do you have specific suggestions as to how this learning series might be improved?

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* 10. Did you feel the content was:

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* 11. (Nurses please skip this question)
Did the presentations and materials meet the following objectives?
Objective 1: Review history taking and placement in the substance use continuum.
Objective 2:State the prevalence of high-risk use and substance use disorder and the proportion of patients with SUD that receive treatment.
Objective 3: Explain the process of SBIRT and evidence for effective treatment.
Objective 4:Review patient selection, administration and interpretation for assessing SUD.
Objective 5: Administer and interpret AUD/SUD for adults.
Objective 6: Administer and interpret AUD/SUD for Adolescents.
Objective 7: Explain 2 key ways of maximizing patient participation in SBIRT.
Objective 8: Describe SUD treatment levels and placement criteria.
Objective 9:  Enumerate the various kinds of non-pharmacological treatment.
Objective 10: Explain the various pharmacotherapy options for opioid and alcohol use disorders.
Objective 11: Describe the spirit of motivational interviewing
Objective 12: Explain MI Key Concepts of leveraging change and change talk.
Objective 13: Execute MI skills of Reflections, Open questions, giving information and summarizing & asking key questions.
Objective 14: Describe BI’s and their effectiveness.
Objective 15: Delineate the steps of BI.
Objective 16: Explain a process for assessing effectiveness of BI
Objective 17: Conduct and BI demo.
Objective 18: Identify referral to treatment steps.
Objective 19: Using a self-evaluation tool, evaluate your performance through the interactive video responses.
Objective 20: Delineate the barriers to durable changes in drinking and drug use.
Objective 21: Address those barriers during follow-up visits.

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* 12. As a result of completing this training, I have gained knowledge on how to use the AUD and SUD screening tools.
(Scale: 1=Not at all, 2=Slightly, 3=Somewhat, 4=Fairly well, 5=Fully)

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* 13. After attending this learning series, do you intend to change your practice behavior?

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* 14. After attending this session, I have the ability to apply the skills learned in my role.

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* 15. What new abilities/strategies have you gained from this training?

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* 16. Was the information/material presented in this learning activity free from commercial bias?

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* 17. If you answered no to the above question, please explain.

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* 18. Additional Comments: