Demonstration Project Background

The City of Sauk Rapids would like to hear from you about the Pleasantview Elementary demonstration project at the intersection of 6th Ave N and 11th St N.

What is a demonstration project?
  • Temporary: this project will be removed before winter.
  • Low cost: this project uses affordable materials that can often be repurposed after the project is removed.
  • Goal: test and collect information on the demonstration project to evaluate how to make permanent changes that make walking and biking easier, safer, and more enjoyable for everyone.

Below are examples of demonstration projects and what a permanent version of these changes might look like.

Question Title

Curb Extension / "Bump Out"

Temporary curb extension at E 70th St and 12th Ave S in Richfield. This demonstration project consists of red paint on the pavement, white traffic tape, and white bollards.

Question Title

Permanent curb extension with ADA-compliant ramp
The survey should take less than five minutes to complete. Your responses will remain confidential. We thank you for your time!