Thank you for visiting Sage Transparency 2.0! Please take a moment to share your feedback using this anonymous survey. Your feedback is important to us as we continue to improve this tool.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate your overall experience with Sage Transparency.

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* 2. While using Sage Transparency, how easy or difficult was it to:

  Very Difficult Difficult Neutral Easy Very Easy
Understand the charts, graphs, and tables
Find specific price indicators
Find specific quality indicators
Find data for a specific hospital, system, or state
Navigate between the different dashboards
Use the filters to find specific information

Question Title

* 3. If while using Sage Transparency you ran into challenges or found opportunities for improvement, please list them below.

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* 4. Were you able to find the information you were looking for in Sage Transparency?

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* 5. How have you used (or plan to use) the information from Sage Transparency?

Question Title

* 6. To better understand our user base, how would you describe your role?

Question Title

* 7. Additional feedback welcome.

Question Title

* 8. Contact Information: If you would like someone from our team to reach out to you for further information or to answer any questions you might have, please enter your contact details below. We respect your privacy and any information provided will be used solely for the purpose of follow-up related to this survey.