Safer Walking Behavioral Survey

This survey accompanies the “Safer Walking Forums."

These forums (and this survey) continue the Head’s Up Pedestrian Safety Planning process initiated in 2017 by the MaineDOT and facilitated by the Bicycle Coalition of Maine.

Picking up where the infrastructure-focused “Pedestrian Safety Forums” left off, this survey:
  • Asks what specific types of Education and Law Enforcement interventions could be used to improve the safety of people walking
  • Invites community members to take on roles in putting into action the ideas developed throughout these programs.

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* 2. If your town was not in the drop down menu above, please provide it here.

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* 3. Please select what you think is the most significant behavioral problem with pedestrians

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* 4. Please select what you think is the most significant behavioral problem with bicycle riders.

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* 5. Please select what you think is the most significant behavioral problem with drivers.

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* 6. Please select a possible EDUCATIONAL intervention you feel would help provide safer walking conditions in your community.

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* 7. Please select a possible ENFORCEMENT intervention you feel would help provide safer walking conditions in your community.

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* 8. Are you interested in helping implement any of these interventions or solutions?