Roosevelt County Growth Policy Update

Provide Input on the Future Development

In the State of Montana, local governments utilize a document called a Growth Policy to help guide decisions for growth and development. A Growth Policy is locally produced, non-regulatory, and consensus-driven. This survey is an opportunity for you to tell us your opinions regarding the future development of Roosevelt County for the County's Growth Policy. Your input will help ensure the Growth Policy reflects the values of public.
1.Where do you live?
2.The Growth Policy will discusses general goals for quality-of-life in Roosevelt County. Let us know how important you feel the following goals are the future of the County:
Not Very Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Better protect natural resources
Attract more jobs-creating businesses
Increase tourism
Develop strong university partnerships
Increase access to recreation opportunities and public lands
Increased collaboration between the County and Tribal Governments
Increase collaboration between the County and City Governments
Better maintenance of roads
Increase availability of social services
More public safety measures
Increased pedestrian safety on main roads
3.The Growth Policy will recommend economic development initiatives for Roosevelt County. Rank what you feel is the priority level for the following initiatives:
I Don't Support This
Low Priority
Medium Priority
High Priority
Identify and promote shovel-ready industrial sites 
Develop a policy to consider economic development during the sale of county-owned parcels  
Enhance the County's partnership with the Fort Peck Tribes on development projects
Increase housing choice and quality
Encourage communities to protect and promote their assets through town planning
Promote Tourism
Find ways to make the County safer for walking and biking
Stimulate economic growth by finding ways to make the investment environment more predictable
4.Growth policies look a potential future trends and opportunities. In the next 20 years, would you like to see Roosevelt County...
Become a hub for wind and solar energy
Work with partner agencies and organizations to enhance tourism infrastructure
Serve the region by expediting new industrial development
Encourage investment in the existing downtown areas and neighborhoods of the County's small towns
Double down on farming and ranching as a dominant economic driver
Replace dilapidated/vacant properties with high quality housing for low-income persons 
5.Let us know how you feel about the following statements regarding your quality-of-life in Roosevelt County?
I agree
This depends
Opportunity to Improve
I have a low cost of living
Roosevelt County has great access to recreation and public lands
I rarely need to leave the county for daily services
There are plenty of living wage jobs
We are a county full of friendly, helpful neighbors
Its important that we have Amtrak and Commercial Air Services in our community
Roosevelt County is a safe place to raise a family
6.Comments- Anything else we should know?
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered