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The Roasters' Cup
Which of these age groups do you fall into?
Under 18
Gender: How do you identify?
Prefer to self-describe, below
Where do you currently buy your fresh coffee?
Supermarket (store)
Supermarket (online)
Coffee Roaster (store)
Coffee Roaster (online)
Other (please specify)
Is the coffee you buy pre-ground or whole bean?
I only buy whole beans and grind my coffee at home
I only buy pre-ground coffee
I buy whole beans and pre-ground depending on the brew method I'm using
What brand(s) of coffee do you regularly (at least once a month) buy? You may select more than one.
All Press
Eight Thirty
Robert Harris
Other (please specify)
Based on the brand(s) you mentioned above, how much do you currently spend (on average) for a 200gm bag of coffee?
$4 - $6
$7 - $9
$10 - $12
$13 - $15
On average, how much fresh coffee would you get though in a week (working from home)?
I don't work from home
Under half a bag (less than 100 grams)
Half a bag (100 grams)
3/4 of a bag (150 grams)
A bag (200 grams)
A bit more than a bag (250 grams)
A bag and a half (300 grams)
A bag and 3/4 of another (350 grams)
2 bags (400 grams)
More than 2 bags
On average, how much fresh coffee would you get though in a week at home (if you are working back at your office/ place of work)?
I have always worked from home (I.e. my job is home-based and I don't work from an office/ business)
Under half a bag (less than 100 grams)
Half a bag (100 grams)
3/4 of a bag (150 grams)
A bag (200 grams)
A bit more than a bag (250 grams)
A bag and a half (300 grams)
A bag and 3/4 of another (350 grams)
2 bags (400 grams)
More than 2 bags
What fresh coffee brewing equipment do you have at home that you use regularly, at least once a week? You may select more than one.
Espresso Machine (manual)
Espresso Machine (automatic)
Plunger/ French Press
Pour over
Other (please specify)
What best describes your understanding of where coffee is grown (origin)?
I wouldn't have a clue - somewhere overseas
I only know what I have read on the bag of coffee I buy
I am interested in coffee origins, and do a spot of research on it here and there
I love finding out about origins of coffee and what characteristics they bring to my brew
I'm coffee mad, and the origin of the coffee is of particular interest - ask me a question?
What do you know about specialty coffee?
I wouldn't have a clue
I have seen "Specialty Coffee" on bags of coffee/ takeaway cups/ mentioned in cafes but I don't understand it
Yes, I somewhat understand the difference between standard coffee and specialty
Well I am glad you asked… there are three minimum requirements for coffee to be identified as ‘specialty’. The beans must be selectively handpicked, score 80 or above and have 5 or less defects per 350gms (aka I know a lot!).
What do you know about processing and roasting coffee beans?
I have zero knowledge
I know a little bit
I know a fair bit (from online, chatting with coffee geeks, etc)
I know a lot (I'm very interested in coffee - where it comes from, processing techniques, roasting techniques)
I'm what you would call a coffee geek - go on, ask me anything about coffee
Right, onto the hot-topic at hand...what do you think of the L'affare Roasters Cup idea/ concept/ product?
I don't like it
I think it's ok
I like it
A really like it
Finally, something in the coffee aisle that I can fall in love with
Any thoughts you would like to add?
In particular, what do you think of a higher grade of specialty coffee being available on the shelves of supermarkets?
I don't like it
I think it's ok
I like it
A really like it
Finally, something in the coffee aisle that I can fall in love with
Any thoughts you would like to add?
And...what do you think of packaging/ box?
I don't like it
I think it's ok
I like it
A really like it
Finally, something in the coffee aisle that I can fall in love with
Any thoughts you would like to add?
We have a logo on the front of the pack. It says "85+ QUALITY GRADE COFFEE BEANS". What do you think this means in terms of the coffee beans used to create this product?
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