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Dear Member,

During the COVID closures, the Committee and subcommittees worked on present and future planning for the Club. Initially planned for last year, we see now as an opportune time to request your help to inform and guide important planning considerations for now and into the future.

We are keen to get your views, advice and comments to ensure RMTC provides the best amenity for you, and future members, to enjoy sporting and social activities with fellow members and guests.

Our Richmond facilities have served us well since 1975. After 46 years, it is timely to consider potential improvements so that the fabric and membership of the Club is maintained well into the future.

We appreciate your contribution by completing this survey of members.

Greg Cornish

Question Title

* 1. What is your gender?

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* 4. What other sporting clubs (eg. gym, golf, tennis, MCC, etc.) are you a member of, including RMTC?

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* 5. Is RMTC the sporting club you use the most?

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* 6. What do you regularly do at the Club? Choose as many as appropriate.

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* 7. On average, how often do you visit the Club?

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* 8. How motivated are you to improve your tennis handicap?

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* 9. What type of assistance do you want from our professionals? Please rank in order of importance, with 1 being the highest:

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* 10. Is there any additional assistance you would like from our professionals not covered in Question 9?

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* 11. How do you like to arrange your tennis games? Choose one or more answers

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* 12. Would you like to play more organised tournaments? If so, what would encourage you to play more tournaments?

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* 13. How satisfied are you with the tennis playing conditions eg. court, balls, lighting, etc.?

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* 14. How satisfied are you with the squash playing conditions eg. court, balls, lighting, etc.?

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* 15. When it comes time for the roof to be replaced (within 5-10 years) should the Club look at:

  Yes No
Installing Solar power
Improving court ventilation

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* 16. How satisfied are you with the bar and dining offering at the Club?

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* 17. How satisfied are you with the gym at the Club?

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* 18. If you use another gym, or are dissatisfied with the RMTC gym, what is needed to encourage you to use the Club’s gym?

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* 19. The kitchen, bar, pro-shop and changeroom areas are due for refurbishment. Would you be in favour of the Club exploring the following to expand or better utilise our facilities?

  Yes No Not sure
Expanded gym & wellness area
Expanded & updated men’s changeroom, showers and toilets
Expanded & updated women’s changeroom, showers and toilets
Build on the unused outside area at the eastern end of the building
Build on the north courtyard outside the men’s changeroom
Repurpose the flat for use by members
Move the kitchen & dining to the north west area and utilise the lawn area
Locate an improved ProShop in the present kitchen area with entry from carpark gate and viewing of the south court.

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* 20. What are the 3 changes/improvements you would make to the Club?

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* 21. Have you introduced anyone to be a member of RMTC?

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* 22. What can the Club do to improve the experience of introducing a new member?

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* 23. What do you see as necessary to encourage more younger people to join the Club?

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* 24. 22% of our membership are women. What do you see as necessary for the Club to do to encourage more women members?

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* 25. What are the 3 things you like most about the Club?

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* 26. Overall, what is your level of satisfaction with the Club?

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* 27. Any final comments?

0 of 28 answered