1. Auto Finance Risk Factors Survey

Thank you for participating in this survey on auto finance risk factors. The purpose of this survey is to gauge the most critical risk challenges facing the industry this year.

Survey results will be made public in Auto Finance News, the industry's leading information resource, and on sister web site AutoFinanceNews.net.

As an added bonus, participants who respond by Fri., March 4, will be entered into a drawing for a $50 giftcard to Amazon.com.

All responses remain confidential, meaning that no response will be tied back to any particular person or company in our aggregate forecast. If it makes you feel more comfortable, exclude your name and/or your company's name. Our priority is creating a set of valuable, aggregate data.

Question Title

* 1. What are your expectations for the volatility of each of the following risk factors in 2011 vs. 2010? Rate their volatility from 1 (less volatile) to 5 (more volatile).

  1 2 3 4 5 N/A
Brand Risk
Business Partner Risk
Collateral Risk
Competitive Risk
Credit Risk
Legal/Compliance Risk
Liquidity Risk
Operations Risk
People Risk
Technology Risk

Question Title

* 2. What is your overall assessment of the risks facing your business today?

Question Title

* 3. In the past year, how has your company changed its strategy for risk-management? Which areas have become more (or less) of a focus?

Question Title

* 4. Name/Title

Question Title

* 5. Company

Question Title

* 6. Phone/Email