Horticulture Nova Scotia collaborates on research projects with many other institutions. These projects aim to assist farmers by improving pest control, exploring different growing systems or changing management practices. This survey will act as a tool to narrow down and identify new priorities for future research efforts. 

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* 1. Name:

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* 2. Email address:

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* 3. What are the top three pest/crop combinations that you don’t have control measures for in your operation?

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* 4. What are the top three weed/crop combinations that you don’t have control measures for in your operation?

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* 5. Outside of pest issues, what are the three largest production challenges facing your organization?

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* 6. What do you see as the top impact of climate change on your operation in the short term?

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* 7. What do you see as the top impact of climate change on your operation in 5-10 years?

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* 8. What climate change adaptations do you need more information on in order to make your operation more resilient?

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* 9. What do you see as an obstacle in adopting practices for managing climate change on your farm?