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* 1. Info about Org/Individual Requesting Free CBD to Distribute

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* 2. Date of request


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* 3. How many bottles of 3,000 mg CBD oil would you like to request? We recommend giving 1 bottle per individual—which is a 1-3 month supply depending upon dosage of between 33-100 mg per day—and providing more if/when they run out. 

Note: Additional bottles can be requested from SFHC via an additional online form once you have distributed at least 70% of your initial request.

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* 4. SFHC is currently located in Taos, New Mexico and is able to arrange a free delivery if your org is located within 50 miles of Taos.

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* 5. Who will your org provide free CBD to (check all that apply)

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* 6. Which symptoms do you think your participants will want to use CBD to address (please rank, it's fine to guess)?

  1. Sleep 
  2. Relief (Pain/Inflammation)
  3. Relax (Anxiety/Stress)
  4. Nausea
  5. Other reason

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* 7. How do you plan to distribute medicine to participants?

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* 8. How do you plan to track feedback/health outcomes from participants (formally or informally)?

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* 9. Are you able to provide anonymous feedback/testimonials from one or more participants about their reasons for using CBD, their self-reported health outcomes, and if/how free CBD impacted their lives?

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* 10. Thank you for helping SFHC get this free medicine to people in need! Let us know if you have any additional questions or input (including additional orgs/individuals who we should contact to support distribution to their community).