Celebrate International Women's Day (and women in tech every day) by sharing your story.

We know you don't have it easy as a woman in tech. Speaking up can make a difference. Contribute to the conversation by taking our survey. 
Main topics (Please answer three...or more!)

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* 1. What attracted you to the tech industry?

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* 2. Tell us about a professional accomplishment you’re proud of. (big or small!)

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* 3. Tell a story about a time you faced discrimination or a unique challenge as a woman in tech. (anything from major discrimination to a microaggression)

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* 4. Give a shout-out to another woman. Who inspires you, and why?

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* 5. What's one piece of advice you wish you could go back and give to your former self when you just started out? Or advice you’d give to other women just starting their careers in tech?

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* 6. What's your strategy for calling out bias at work?

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* 7. When evaluating a company (to work for, partner with, etc), what's your strategy for assessing culture and figuring out if it'll be an inclusive work space?

33% of survey complete.