Survey on Remote Health and Technology - 2017 |
This survey will help us learn how people of all abilities use or would like to use technology for managing and monitoring their health (mHealth or remote health). Types of mHealth technology include:
- Websites and other electronic sources of health information
- Mobile apps for recording your health information (physical activity, diet and nutrition, emotional wellness, etc.)
- Web-based "portals" that store your health information and allow you to communicate with your doctor and schedule appointments
- Activity trackers that you wear (wristbands, smart watches, pendants, etc) to count steps, track heart rate, breathing rate, or measure the quality of sleep.
We would like to learn more about your experience and expectations of mHealth technologies. Please try your best to complete all parts of this survey. Your answers are important to us, even if you do not use ICT devices. An assistant or caregiver may help you complete this survey if you need help. The survey should take about 30 minutes to complete.
The information collected from this survey will be used to help researchers, designers, and engineers create new mHealth solutions to meet the needs of people with disabilities. Your personal information will be used only for research related to this survey. Your personal data will be kept strictly confidential. Individual or personally identifiable data will NOT be included in any reports on survey results.
This survey is being conducted by the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Information and Communications Technology Access (LiveWell RERC), funded by a 5-year grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and
Rehabilitation Research in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (grant number 90RE5023). For more information, please visit us at:
This survey is being conducted by the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Information and Communications Technology Access (LiveWell RERC), funded by a 5-year grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and
Rehabilitation Research in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (grant number 90RE5023). For more information, please visit us at:
If you would like to complete this survey on paper or by telephone, please contact:
Karthik Arulselvam
Karthik Arulselvam
If you have questions or concerns about this research, please contact:
John Morris
John Morris