1. Register an Act of Neighboring

During Citrus Heights Good Neighbor Week, September 28 - October 4, we encourage neighbors to participate in events and activities to establish connections with their neighbors. Simply put, to do something neighborly.

Acts of neighborliness are simple gestures that lift others up and make our community a place we love. We invite you to help us reach the goal of 500 Acts of Neighboring during Citrus Heights Good Neighbor Week. Acts of Neighboring include sharing cards, small gifts, or gestures with neighbors; hosting a gathering; attending neighborly events such as yard sales, block parties, or BBQs; or doing service projects in the neighborhood. Did you do or did you receive an act of neighboring? Register it here!

Eligibility and criteria include: Acts of Neighboring must occur between September 28, 2024 and October 4, 2024. The act of neighboring must have been provided by a resident, organization, or business of Citrus Heights. No compensation for the services described is allowed. Recording of the act of neighboring must be submitted no later than October 8, 2024.

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* 1. Did the act of neighborliness occur in Citrus Heights during Citrus Heights Good Neighbor Week (Sept. 28-Oct 4)

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* 2. Who did the act of neighboring? (First and Last Name)

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* 3. Explain (in detail) the act of neighboring.

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* 4. How many people were impacted by the neighboring example you shared in question 3? For example: a plate of cookies delivered to a family of six would impact 6 people. If you did a plate of cookies to homes of 8 neighbors you will need to add up the total impacted. Please give a numerical answer.

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* 5. Do you have a photo to share from your effort or project?

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 6. Please share with us any additional stories or feedback about this Citrus Heights Good Neighbor Week Project that you would like to share.

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* 7. If we share your example of neighboring in print or online, may we use your name and/or photos you submit?

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* 8. Please provide your contact information. This information makes it possible for us to get in contact with you regarding this submission for awards and questions.

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* 9. If you are representing an organization, please tell us which one!

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* 10. Do you want to learn more about your Neighborhood and future engagement opportunities? If marked yes, you will be added to your neighborhood email distribution list.