Regis College surveys students who are awarded an undergraduate degree each year. The First-Destination Survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. This survey helps Regis collect information about the future plans of our graduates to see how we can provide support. Please contact the Center for Internships and Career Development with any questions.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following BEST describes your PRIMARY status after graduation? Please select only ONE of the following categories:

Question Title

* 2. If your PRIMARY status is employed full time OR employed part-time, please select the category which BEST describes your employment:

Question Title

* 3. If employed, please provide the following information concerning your employment:

Question Title

* 4. If your PRIMARY status is participating in a volunteer or service program, please provide the following information about your assignment:

Question Title

* 5. If your PRIMARY status is serving in the U.S. military, please provide the following information about your assignment:

Question Title

* 6. If your PRIMARY status is enrolled in a program of continuing education, please provide the following information concerning your education:

Question Title

* 7. Contact Information