
In 2021, we ran a collaborative community process to create the ‘Melbourne Doughnut’ and a vision for what a regenerative Melbourne looks like. The resulting Towards a Regenerative Melbourne report launched in mid-2021.

With help from Regen Melbourne partner Point Advisory, we are now undertaking the next phase of our research, designed to identify metrics and indicators for the 23 elements of the Melbourne Doughnut (e.g., food, gender equality, air pollution).

This phase of work will focus on gathering and assessing existing measures and indicators that could help generate the data needed to measure what matters to Melbourne. The project will draw on existing practice within Melbourne, as well as measures in place across Australia and overseas.

Examples could include environmental datasets collected by the Victorian Government, reports on progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals, or measures of progress developed by community organisations and campaign groups. We're interested in everything from individual indicators, to whole reports and datasets.

We will use this initial phase of work to establish a longer-term research project that assesses metrics and indicators using expert-working groups and community workshops. Our ultimate goal is to create a mature Melbourne Doughnut that can be used as a new measure of progress in our city.

We would love your contribution through the below survey. We are also running a session about this research on April 6th if you want to pop in and talk to people about it all.

What happens to this information?

Your responses will be collected and stored by Point Advisory and shared with Regen Melbourne. Responses are anonymous unless you want to share your details. And, of course, all insights from the research will be shared back to the network.

Question Title

* 1. Q1. Please provide the name of the measure(s) or indicators (e.g. State of the Environment 2018 Report) and a link to where we might find more information online. We have left space for you to tell us about up to 5 measures or indicators. If you have more suggestions, please add these to the comment box at the end of this survey.

Question Title

* 3. For each measure, please indicate the geographical area that the measure(s) relate to. Select all elements that apply.

  Indicator/measure 1: Indicator/measure 2: Indicator/measure 3: Indicator/measure 4: Indicator/measure 5:
Local council level within Melbourne
Greater Melbourne / Metropolitan Melbourne
Another Australian state or territory

Question Title

* 4. How has this measure been used? Please use this space to share any information on who collects this data and/or how it is used.

Question Title

* 5. Why do you think this is might be a useful indicator or measure of progress for Melbourne’s Doughnut?

Question Title

* 6. Please use this space to provide any further comment. If you would like to discuss this project further, please leave your contact details here.