Did you know new  furniture in Townhead Park and Singleton Youth Venue contains an average of 85% recycled plastic material, typically including post-consumer soft plastic collected from supermarkets, as well as car bumpers?

Did you know that recycling plastic uses 75% less energy than virgin plastic?

Did you know that a rubbish truck full of plastic enters the ocean every single minute?

Did you know in the last 10 years we’ve produced more plastic than in the previous 100 years?

Did you know these products can be re-recycled and made into new products at the end of their life?

Council wants to hear your feedback on sustainable products. Let  us know what you think and you could score a $100 Spend in Singleton gift card!

Question Title

* 1. How important are sustainable products for the community?

Not important Neutral Very important
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 3. For your chance to win a $100 Spend in Singleton gift card, please  let us  know your contact details.