Recovery Support Services Survey

Thank you for your willingness to participate in our short survey. Mental Health Colorado has teamed up with the Colorado Health Institute, the Office of Behavioral Health, and the Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention to develop a strategic plan for recovery support services throughout the state. We are asking for your input to help us understand the types of recovery support services that are most critical to recovery and those that are missing in Colorado communities. 

For the purposes of this survey, we are defining recovery support services as those provided before, during, and after formal treatment (such as medical detox and inpatient treatment) that are needed to reach and sustain recovery.  

We appreciate your time and feedback.
1.What is your county of residence?(Required.)
2.What is your relationship to recovery support services? Select all that apply.(Required.)
3.What support services are most important for recovery? Please rate the following services based on how important they are for recovery.(Required.)
Least Important
Less Important
More Important
Most Important
Recovery or supportive housing
Recovery community organizations (ex. Advocates for Recovery Colorado)
Sober or drug free recreational or social activities
Peer support specialists or recovery coaches
Education around addiction and recovery
Help with job skills or finding a job
12-step or other support groups
Access to medication assisted recovery (Methadone, buprenorphine, vivitrol)
Ongoing mental health treatment including counseling and psychiatry
Other recovery support service not listed
4.What is currently missing in your community in terms of recovery support services?(Required.)
5.What barriers or challenges exist in your community as it relates to recovery support services?(Required.)
6.Do you (or a family member or client) identify with any of the below groups? Select all that apply.(Required.)
7.If you identified with any group in Question 6, please describe the unique needs and/or challenges that should be considered for recovery support services.(Required.)
8.Is there anything else regarding recovery support services you would like us to know or to be included in our summary?(Required.)
9.Demographic Information- Age:
10.Demographic Information- Gender Identity:
11.Demographic Information- Race:
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered