Church Registration Form Question Title * 1. Church Name: Question Title * 2. Pastor Name: Question Title * 3. Contact Name (if not pastor): Question Title * 4. Pastor/Contact Email: Question Title * 5. Sunday Attendance (adults) Question Title * 6. What do you hope to accomplish using these materials? To increase the number of volunteers serving our partner school or organization To raise awareness of this issue and release people to serve in any school or education-focused organization To help us launch a new school or ministry partnership As part of a literacy or justice-themed sermon As part of a one-time project or event Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Where will you direct members to find volunteer opportunities? Our church, school, or organization's postings on Vomo (formerly known as Awaken My City) The Reading Matters Campaign on Vomo (formerly known as Awaken My City) Other (please specify) Next