Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia Webinar Question Title * 1. Quality of the webinar Excellent (extremely useful) Good (useful) Fairly good (fairly useful) Poor (not useful) Very poor How useful for your professional activity did you find this event? How useful for your professional activity did you find this event? Excellent (extremely useful) How useful for your professional activity did you find this event? Good (useful) How useful for your professional activity did you find this event? Fairly good (fairly useful) How useful for your professional activity did you find this event? Poor (not useful) How useful for your professional activity did you find this event? Very poor What was your overall impression of this webinar (Programme) What was your overall impression of this webinar (Programme) Excellent (extremely useful) What was your overall impression of this webinar (Programme) Good (useful) What was your overall impression of this webinar (Programme) Fairly good (fairly useful) What was your overall impression of this webinar (Programme) Poor (not useful) What was your overall impression of this webinar (Programme) Very poor What was your overall impression of this webinar (Organisation) What was your overall impression of this webinar (Organisation) Excellent (extremely useful) What was your overall impression of this webinar (Organisation) Good (useful) What was your overall impression of this webinar (Organisation) Fairly good (fairly useful) What was your overall impression of this webinar (Organisation) Poor (not useful) What was your overall impression of this webinar (Organisation) Very poor Question Title * 2. Relevance of the webinar Very much Somewhat Not much Not at all Undecided Did the webinar fulfil your educational goals and expected learning outcomes? Did the webinar fulfil your educational goals and expected learning outcomes? Very much Did the webinar fulfil your educational goals and expected learning outcomes? Somewhat Did the webinar fulfil your educational goals and expected learning outcomes? Not much Did the webinar fulfil your educational goals and expected learning outcomes? Not at all Did the webinar fulfil your educational goals and expected learning outcomes? Undecided Was the presented information well balanced and consistently supported by a valid scientific evidence base? Was the presented information well balanced and consistently supported by a valid scientific evidence base? Very much Was the presented information well balanced and consistently supported by a valid scientific evidence base? Somewhat Was the presented information well balanced and consistently supported by a valid scientific evidence base? Not much Was the presented information well balanced and consistently supported by a valid scientific evidence base? Not at all Was the presented information well balanced and consistently supported by a valid scientific evidence base? Undecided Question Title * 3. Was there adequate time available for discussions, questions & answers and learner engagement? Yes, always/almost always Yes, sometimes Only rarely Never Undecided Question Title * 4. Will the information you learnt be implemented in your practice? Very much somewhat not much not at all undecided Question Title * 5. Did all the faculty members provide their potential conflict of interest declaration with the sponsor(s) as a second slide of their presentation? Yes No Question Title * 6. Was the speaker knowledgeable? Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 7. I would recommend others to watch the recorded version of this webinar? Very likely Likely Neither likely nor unlikely Unlikely Very unlikely Question Title * 8. I am interested in attending future webinars offered by ECTS Very likely Likely Neither likely nor unlikely Unlikely Very unlikely Question Title * 9. How many webinars have you attended in the past 4 months? 1 2-4 5-8 8+ Question Title * 10. Please indicate your background Fundamental Clinical Translational Question Title * 11. Please confirm if you are applying for CME credits Yes No Question Title * 12. Full name if you apply for CME credit Question Title * 13. Email address if you apply for CME credit Done