WFRP Survey

The Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA (RAFI) would like to ask you a few questions that will help us better understand farmers' interest in and experiences with crop insurance and Whole Farm Revenue Protection. RAFI uses this information to advocate for state and national policy changes that will make crop insurance work better for the farmers we serve.

Whole Farm Revenue Protection crop insurance is a new policy first made available in the 2015 crop insurance year. The policy provides crop insurance coverage based on 5 years of revenue history, which enables a farm to insure more than one crop with one policy.

All responses you make will be confidential and will not be released in connection with your name. Additionally, your responses will in no way change your eligibility to receive services from RAFI.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact James Robinson at 919-542-1396 ext. 209 or email him at

This project is supported in part by Cedar Tree Foundation.

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