Associate Rabbi Candidate Survey - Rabbi Sam Blustin

Sam Blustin is a fifth-year rabbinical school student who cares deeply about building communities where people feel seen and at home. Sam is passionate about creating meaningful prayer communities in which the opportunity for transformation and openness is present. He is currently writing his thesis on the theory and art of creating meaningful prayer experiences.

In addition to his studies, Sam serves as the gabbai for the Women’s League Seminary Synagogue (for the third year) and is the Youth Director at Ansche Chesed. He co-founded Shira b’Dira, a monthly traditional egalitarian singing and prayer community, and started Shomer Achi, a group for male-identified rabbinical and cantorial students at JTS to discuss how masculinity plays a role in how we lead and how we can better be an ally for women and non-binary individuals in our communities. Sam is also a musician, composer, and songwriter, composing mainly for liturgical settings.
1.How did you interact with the candidate? (select all the apply)(Required.)
2.On a scale of 1 - 5, how would you rate the candidate on the following key categories?
1. Poor
2. Fair
3. Good
4. Very Good
5. Excellent
Relationship/Community Building: Ability to bridge gaps and relate to community members of many backgrounds and multiple generations; diplomacy among staff, leadership, congregation, and community; working as a team to develop collaborative vision and unified execution.
Intentionality/Kavanah: Presents as genuine, authentic, and passionate. Note: the term Kavanah means “intention” or “sincere feeling/direction of the heart” in prayer and all aspects of Jewish observance, e.g. in tikkun olam (social action).
Presence/Ruach: Positive energy, passion, spiritual uplift; strikes a balance of resilience and confidence with humility and vulnerability; able to communicate clearly and concisely. Note: the term ruach literally means “wind,” and is used to refer to a person’s “spirit.”
Service Leading Skills/Shaliach Tzibur: Engages the congregation in song, has a pleasant voice, sings in a comfortable key. Note: The term shaliach tzibur is the word for a service leader whether clergy or lay leader, and literally means “representative of the community” in prayer.
Understanding/Binah: Demonstrates a foundation in Judaism and an ability to connect Jewish values, principles, and wisdom to everyday life, and to use it to inspire others; displays a respect for and knowledge of the principles of Conservative Judaism
Change Management: Capacity to collaborate on and execute change with resilience, passion, understanding, and tolerance for failures along the way.
3.If you were interviewing this candidate to officiate your life cycle ritual (baby naming, B'nai Mitzvah, wedding, funeral, unveiling), how likely would you be you to hire this person?
Extremely Unlikely
Extremely Likely
4.How would you feel about this candidate leading services, tefillah (prayer), and music?
Very Negative
Very Positive
5.How would you feel about this candidate leading tefillah (prayer) and music at our religious school?
Very Negative
Very Positive
6.Additional Comments:
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