The U.S. Coin Task Force was convened in July 2020 and charged with identifying, refining and promoting strategies to resolve the coin supply chain issues resulting from COVID-19-related disruptions to normal coin circulation. 

This phase one survey collects data to help the Task Force measure how much coin is moving, so that it can better monitor the disruptions to normal coin circulation. There may be future phases of survey that focus on a specific region or state and include more detailed analysis of coin availability. The survey should take no more than five minutes to complete.

The survey will be aggregated by industry segment to protect confidentiality. After the survey, an executive survey will be shared with participants.

Thank you for your participation.

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* 1. Where are you experiencing coin hotspots (city or region, and denomination if available)?

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* 2. How are you tracking your coin?

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* 3. How significant a change did you notice or experience in coin supply/demand patterns?

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* 4. When did you notice a disruption from your customers’ normal coin circulation patterns?

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* 5. Are you limiting the amount of coin your customers can order?

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* 6. Please provide any additional comments regarding coin availability that would be helpful for the Task Force in our efforts.

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* 7. What Industry Segment are you in?